Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rustic Elegance

Its been a long time since I last posted! I've been extremely busy to say the least travelling to cities like Atlanta, Washington DC, Hampton, VA, New York and New Orleans! Many, many events for many different reasons but the one that I am highlighting today was much closer to home.

A wedding I did in Kenwood, CA (Sonoma - Napa area) just 2 weeks ago was beyond amazing. The location is a hidden gem in the signage on the outside of the property so you would never know it was there. Matter of fact, I passed it 6 times trying to find it my first time there. They only started doing weddings last year and the owner still lives on the property. If, you want to know where it is, contact me and I'll share ;-)

What made this wedding so amazing was not just the location, but the people. The couple - Mike and Heather - were so loving, so laid back, and so meant to be. Everyone at the wedding shared the love and support for them. Not to mention the fact that the bride's family was uber talented!

Let's see if I can paint the right picture - her aunt made her wedding dress, her grandmother did all the floral arrangements, her dad put up some of the decor, her cousin's boyfriend was the photographer (amazing work that I'll be sharing with you soon), her bridesmaid made the ties for the groomsmen and ushers and lots of family members made special recipes for the dessert table! When you've got family like that, who needs vendors!

It was hotter than Hades out there as it was about 92 degrees as we were setting up. It was set to be a hot day so the grandmother brought wooden fans and the groom's mother brought antique handkerchiefs. Such a great idea and definitely helped guests cool off during the day.

I'm still kind of on a high from the wedding and can't wait to share some official wedding photos with you from the photographer when their ready!

Happy Planning!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To Bathroom Basket or Not To Bathroom Basket?

Do you think bathroom baskets are a must-have?

While I don't think they are a must-have, I do think they are a nice-to-have, especially if the bathroom your guests must use is less than posh.

If you are having a barnyard wedding, that is so rustic and fabulous! But, your guests many not enjoy using an outhouse - even the "executive ones". So to spruce it up a bit, add a basket with nice toiletries and maybe even a lightly scented candle if there is enough surface area. Even of you are not having a barnyard wedding, who couldn't use some hand sanitizer, a breath mint or some extra lotion?

If you want to go the extra mile, put things in the basket that your guests may need for those little mishaps that could ruin their night - clear nail polish in the women's bathroom, men's body spray, bandages, a travel toothpaste/toothbrush kit, contact lens solution, feminine hygiene products, etc. Your baskets can be small and dainty or industrial sized depending on your location.

Its also a great idea to personalize your basket by adding a little note to your guests or a poem (Great DIY Project!). This is one of my favorite poems:

So happy you're here to share in our special day,
but should something happen to go astray,
Please help yourself to the contents within,
Wet wipe, hand lotion, and even aspirin,
Use only what you need and leave the rest,
It may also be useful to another guest,
So repair the damage that may have been done,
Then hurry on back and join in the fun!

Whether your skin feels dry or your hair out of place.
You're not feeling so fresh, or whatever the case.
We've put together a basket to help you along.
Now hurry back out before you miss the next song!

Happy Planning!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July from LB Event Couture!

Happy 4th of July from LB Event Couture! I hope your holiday is fun, restful and safe ;-)

Happy Planning!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Great Tradition: Recipe Boxes!

A new client of mine is having her family members bring their favorite desserts to the wedding and wants them to write down the recipes of each dessert.

This is a great idea to preserve some family history - they make great keepsakes!

Some clients like to use recipe boxes for bridal showers or baby showers with kid friendly recipes!

I've decided to showcase some of my favorite recipe boxes for inspiration to all you brides-to-be, moms-to-be and chefs-to-be!

From left to right: Recipe File Box - Dots and Stripes $18.00, Recipe File Box - Paddock Shawl $18.00, Made from Scratch $10.00, Martha Stewart Collection Recipe Box $14.99, Pink Flower Box $13.00 (no, I'm not sure why its called "Pink Flower Box" when its blue), Bamboo Recipe Box $14.99 (its plain but you can customize it with a monogram and other decorations), Tatutina Black and White Mod Circles Recipe Box $25.95, What's Cooking Recipe Box $16.95, Recipe Box - Bon Appetit $19.99

Happy Planning!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hatch My House!

One of my family members and her husband just bought their first house. I am so happy for them for planting roots after just a few years of marriage. Its so exciting! Fun times ahead as we design and decorate a space for their family that makes their first house a home.

The process of home buying can be super stressful - the paperwork, the loans, the negotiations! I thought to myself "Couturess" ('cause that's what I call myself), "why aren't there house registries like there are wedding registries?? I mean, this is yet another step in a couples life that embarks upon a new journey..." Well, before I got my other foot on the soap box, I found Hatch My House!

Hatch My House is an online gift registry and home wedding registry where anyone can save towards a house or home improvements in a fun and interactive way. GENIUS! Friends and family can help you build a house one piece at a time or build a house fund!

Awesome right? For more interactive fun, check out this real registry to really dive deep and see
how it works. I'm telling all the first-time home buyers (or soon-to-be), that I know to register for it today!

Happy Planning!

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Monday Inspiration...

You know...sometimes you have to just sit back and admire another designers work. Have you ever looked at a picture, saw the inspiration and just wish you were there...where ever there is? Well, that's how I felt when I saw the dessert table by Eat Drink Pretty via Style Me Pretty.

It actually reminds me quite a bit of my Sister's style - very pink, very elegant and very sassy! I mean... don't YOU wish you were there?

Happy Planning!

Images courtesy of Style Me Pretty

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wedding Party Timeline

Your wedding party (and sometimes their significant others if they are not in the wedding party) need to know a wee bit more that just the date of the wedding. Here's a cute way to send your wedding party a save-the-date that gives them a timeline of their obligations. Best part about these are... you can print them at home yourself!

Happy Planning!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Reflections of a Newlywed...and a Wedding Planner

I can't believe its been over a year since I got married. No really, I can't believe it...the time has gone by so fast! My husband and I have been busy with work and travel, I officially started my wedding business (although I've been doing it for years) my son is a year older (and a foot taller) and honestly, its just been a blur!

As a reflect on that incredible day that I shared with the people that I love, I remember that the day was p-e-r-f-e-c-t. Now, don't get me wrong, as a wedding planner, I know that there is no "perfect wedding". Everything didn't go as planned - my dad ad-libed most of the ceremony, my wedding band didn't announce the wedding party the right way, the wedding party had to be corralled to take pictures after the ceremony, our first song was incorrect until I went over to the stage and changed it to the right one, we missed part of the reception changing for the after-party and my Uncle got up and did an unplanned blues set with the band. But you know what? THAT'S what made it perfect. All the imperfections, all the impromptu things that may have made the planner in me cringe, bring the biggest smile to my face. Each of those things added that special something that made the day absolutely amazing. As I look back, I wouldn't change a thing.

Let me set the stage for you. I planned the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of that wedding. I included my husband in all the decisions he wanted to be involved in, I had spreadsheets and space plans and timelines for my wedding party. I made the save the dates, invitations and the programs. Each person in my family had a very special role in my wedding...a position of honor, I like to say. Once I handed off my final plans to my day-of-coordinator (yes, I had one), I let everything else go. I mean, I really let everything else go. I did my best to plan and my job after the rehearsal was just to enjoy the meaning of the day with my husband and son and all the people that love and support us.

That's what the day is all about. Its about celebrating your love with the people you love. Its about enjoying all those quirky things that make the people in your life who they are. Its about leaving it all out there on the field and having no regrets. So, while there's no such thing as a perfect wedding was perfect for me.

Happy Planning!

Photos courtesy of Amanda Gibson Images

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Happy Anniversary to me (and my son and hubby), happy anniversary to me (and my son and hubby), happy 1-year anniversary.... Happy Anniversary to me (and my son and hubby)! That is all for now!

Happy Planning!

Photo courtesy of Sherwin Waldorf Photography

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Casual, Comfortable and Chic!

Who says you have to be uncomfortable on your special day, just to look fantabulous? All brides should be able to define what casual, comfortable and chic means to them. Learn how these LBEC Brides wore some nontraditional attire for their wedding day.

Take LBEC Bride Tiffany W. for example (pictured on the left) - she looks absolutely gorgeous but made no sacrifices when it came to being comfortable walking down (and standing at) the aisle. Instead of wearing expensive high heeled wedding shoes to match her dress (that people can't even see under the hem), our bride instead opted to wear some creative casual canvas shoes (say that 3 times fast) so she didn't have to think about pain as she was saying "I do" to the man of her dreams.

These shoes carried her through her touching ceremony, pictures with her new hubby/wedding party/family, the first dance, the money dance, the electric slide, the cupid shuffle AND the bouquet toss before she changed into and even more casual "after-party" outfit.

Another LBEC Bride Tonya S. and her hubby (pictured on the right) also opted for more casual wedding attire. Since she was having a very small and intimate wedding in Lake Tahoe, she wore white pants and a very feminine, ruffly, long sleeve blouse in lieu of a traditional wedding dress. Her husband opted for very stylish slacks and a short sleeve linen shirt.

This causal attire against the backdrop of water and snow was absolutely elegant and matched the couples personalities and style. For a pop of color they opted for a bouquet and boutonniere of all red roses.

Both brides looked absolutely stunning on their wedding day and didn't have to sacrifice an ounce of style to keep some elements of their day casual and comfortable.

These brides and other's like them are proof that today's modern bride is throwing caution to the wind, tradition out the door and making the day what it should be all about - them.

Happy Planning!

Photo Credit:
Photos of LBEC Bride Tiffany W. by Desmond Rogers Photography
Photo of LBEC Bride Tonya S. by LB Event Couture