Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To Bathroom Basket or Not To Bathroom Basket?

Do you think bathroom baskets are a must-have?

While I don't think they are a must-have, I do think they are a nice-to-have, especially if the bathroom your guests must use is less than posh.

If you are having a barnyard wedding, that is so rustic and fabulous! But, your guests many not enjoy using an outhouse - even the "executive ones". So to spruce it up a bit, add a basket with nice toiletries and maybe even a lightly scented candle if there is enough surface area. Even of you are not having a barnyard wedding, who couldn't use some hand sanitizer, a breath mint or some extra lotion?

If you want to go the extra mile, put things in the basket that your guests may need for those little mishaps that could ruin their night - clear nail polish in the women's bathroom, men's body spray, bandages, a travel toothpaste/toothbrush kit, contact lens solution, feminine hygiene products, etc. Your baskets can be small and dainty or industrial sized depending on your location.

Its also a great idea to personalize your basket by adding a little note to your guests or a poem (Great DIY Project!). This is one of my favorite poems:

So happy you're here to share in our special day,
but should something happen to go astray,
Please help yourself to the contents within,
Wet wipe, hand lotion, and even aspirin,
Use only what you need and leave the rest,
It may also be useful to another guest,
So repair the damage that may have been done,
Then hurry on back and join in the fun!

Whether your skin feels dry or your hair out of place.
You're not feeling so fresh, or whatever the case.
We've put together a basket to help you along.
Now hurry back out before you miss the next song!

Happy Planning!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July from LB Event Couture!

Happy 4th of July from LB Event Couture! I hope your holiday is fun, restful and safe ;-)

Happy Planning!