Thursday, April 1, 2010

Reflections of a Newlywed...and a Wedding Planner

I can't believe its been over a year since I got married. No really, I can't believe it...the time has gone by so fast! My husband and I have been busy with work and travel, I officially started my wedding business (although I've been doing it for years) my son is a year older (and a foot taller) and honestly, its just been a blur!

As a reflect on that incredible day that I shared with the people that I love, I remember that the day was p-e-r-f-e-c-t. Now, don't get me wrong, as a wedding planner, I know that there is no "perfect wedding". Everything didn't go as planned - my dad ad-libed most of the ceremony, my wedding band didn't announce the wedding party the right way, the wedding party had to be corralled to take pictures after the ceremony, our first song was incorrect until I went over to the stage and changed it to the right one, we missed part of the reception changing for the after-party and my Uncle got up and did an unplanned blues set with the band. But you know what? THAT'S what made it perfect. All the imperfections, all the impromptu things that may have made the planner in me cringe, bring the biggest smile to my face. Each of those things added that special something that made the day absolutely amazing. As I look back, I wouldn't change a thing.

Let me set the stage for you. I planned the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of that wedding. I included my husband in all the decisions he wanted to be involved in, I had spreadsheets and space plans and timelines for my wedding party. I made the save the dates, invitations and the programs. Each person in my family had a very special role in my wedding...a position of honor, I like to say. Once I handed off my final plans to my day-of-coordinator (yes, I had one), I let everything else go. I mean, I really let everything else go. I did my best to plan and my job after the rehearsal was just to enjoy the meaning of the day with my husband and son and all the people that love and support us.

That's what the day is all about. Its about celebrating your love with the people you love. Its about enjoying all those quirky things that make the people in your life who they are. Its about leaving it all out there on the field and having no regrets. So, while there's no such thing as a perfect wedding was perfect for me.

Happy Planning!

Photos courtesy of Amanda Gibson Images