Saturday, October 10, 2009

Creative Table Names

The table name trend has been personalization for a while now, but couples are running out of original ideas. Here are some ideas that will add a personal touch to your reception, without making your guests feel like they're low on the totem pole based on their table number.

"Favorite Movies/Music/Restaurants": Name each table based on your favorite movies, albums or restaurants. You can even choose a theme if mutual favorites are hard to come up with - comedies, love stories, movies filmed all filmed in NewYork, restaurants you want to try, R & B hits of the '90's, etc. Go the extra mile by not only having a sign with the name, but also the picture of the DVD/CD cover or restaurant logo.

"Why I love him/her": The bride and groom can name each table for reasons they love each other such as "Table His Eyes" and write a brief explanation why - "His eyes are the gateway to his soul and when I look into them, I know that everything will be okay." or "Table Her Compassion" - "She always thinks of other people before herself and has a way of making people feel like family, even when she's just met them for the first time."

To ensure that the catering staff knows which table is which, put a small number on the bottom right hand corner of the sign.

For those who want a creative way to use numbers, you can use "Count the Ways". For this theme each table will have a number, but the numbers are associated with ways the couple love each other. Similar to the "Why I love him/her", the bride and groom can list X amount of ways they love each other and why. For example, "Count the Ways 1 - Because she always lets me have the last bite", "Count the Ways 7 - Because he always makes sure my car is filled with gas, just so I won't have to worry about it".
Any of these ideas will add the perfect touch of personalization for your reception. They are great ice breakers for guests at tables who don't know each other and lend conversation starters for family and old friends.

Happy Planning!

The Event Couturess of LB Event Couture